Overcoming Anxiety Day 5: For when you're losing your grip.

Do you feel out of control?

Have a minute?  Have a listen:

Or read the blog post here:

Maybe your circumstances have caused you to abandon your routine or develop a completely new one.  Change can be hard for everyone.  It’s okay to grieve the fact that nothing feels normal right now.  Routines can bring comfort and a sense of stability. 

But the unshakeable truth is that routines don’t really provide true stability—just an overall sense of control.

When we lose that sense of control, our inner world is shaken, and anxiety can creep in. 

So how do we carry on this way?

We must first accept that we are not in control of anything outside of our actions.  We cannot how many minutes we have left.  However, we can choose how we spend the minutes we do have.

We cannot control the course of an outbreak, how many supplies are available, or who is affected.

We cannot control the way our loved ones, especially our children, cope with the mandatory lifestyle change we have all been subject to.

We can control how we respond to all of these things, and what—or who—we prioritize these days.

Matthew 6:27  "Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?”

What is important to you, today?

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